Monday, June 19, 2006

Love can be quirky sometimes...

Iron Jane
My first clue that I was involved in a destructive relationship was when my girlfriend threw a large carving knife at me from across the room. My second clue was when I threw it back at her. But after seeing the knife’s glistening steel blade whirling toward my beloved’s head, I was reminded of an incident that I had recently witnessed on Venice Beach. An entertainer having mishandled one of several cleavers he was juggling, accidentally chopped off the fingers on one hand. It was a terrible, gruesome, bloody sight; and now, wide-eyed and mouth agape with horror, I watched as the knife I had thrown stabbed into the wooden cupboard door, less than an inch above my lover's head. And uncharacteristically, she pissed her iron pants.

Pretty Feet
After my last relationship,
I vowed never again to
Fall in love with a pretty face.
Then I met you;
And the first words
Out of your mouth were:
"Do you want to see my pretty feet?"

Bearcat And Rita
Bearcat loved Rita Faye Magnolia,
He didn't know why, he just did.
Bearcat loved Rita, and she loved him
(the love myth).

Upon Seeing A Flower Growing From Summer Stone
Upon seeing a flower growing from summer stone,
I was reminded how difficult it is (at times) to love you;
And how very much I look forward to returning home.

Breakfast In Bed
Breakfast in bed;
Two eggs over easy,
Two legs over hard.

i am a man
i am a man
waiting in the wings
for another man’s woman
(love’s slings and arrows).
and like a sparrow
crashing against window panes;
i do not wait gently
for her to dawn her black, widow weeds.

Body Of Work
Over the long years,
The man and woman
Had learned to collaborate.
He always engrossed in his poetry,
While she sat across from him,
Noisily napping in iambic pentameter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"My first clue that I was involved in a destructive relationship was when my girlfriend threw a large carving knife at me from across the room. My second clue was when I threw it back at her."

Can I quote this? Too funny, would make a fantastic signature.