Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sweet Bread (soon to be published on

Originally published in Target Magazine, circa 1994, Los Angeles, CA


her looseness made her hot;
you knew it was hot,
when you put it in your mouth;
rolled it quickly over your tongue,
savoring its warm juices, feeling
its nakedness climb over you.

her bite was worse than her bark;
her beach was never closed;
she never closed the cover before striking;
never was harmful when swallowed;
never bought a lick of insurance,
she'd rather roller blade than drive.

her love was endless,
and when it boiled over,
she smelled so good,
you had to put your mouth on her;
and when your mouth was on her,
she let you know in no uncertain terms,
that she wanted you there,
kneading, her soft, wet dough;
licking, her rich, red cherries,

you could clock her by the moon,
bake sweet bread in her oven;
but you could never park in her space;
it was always, peddle to the metal,
top down, running flat out;
her hair, blown back over her head,
begging you,
 "Touch me,  here, and here;
kiss me, here. and here."

she was worse than bad, there
wasn't anything she wouldn't 
do twice;

she was worse than bad, she
believed everything came 
in threes;

she was worse than bad, she
ruined you, for any other woman you'd
ever have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It appears to be an illusion but yet so real. Your writing style is amazing. Im especially drawn in by the titles.